Case Study: Launching Kingsbarns Doocot flagship whisky in France

Kingsbarns Doocot


  • Kingbarns Distillery approached Auvent PR to assist with the launch of its new flagship single malt whisky in France.
  • Kingbarns has products already on sale in the French market and has a network of agents / distributors that deal direct with cavistes. The aim of the pre-launch PR was to engage with the media – spirits and drinks writers – and influencers prior to the global announcement to review and highlight the new whisky.
  • A target of 10-20 journalists/titles was required for the pre-launch.


  • Auvent PR undertook a number of actions to ensure a successful pre-launch and then announcement of the launch with a five-week timescale.
  • We researched and identified the key spirts and drinks writers – both freelance and independent across a range of trade, consumer, national and regional titles.
  • In addition, we also sourced a quartet of influencers to collaborate with, based on their activity, followers and engagement.
  • Having identified the key media and influencers, we pitched the product and a pre-launch sample to review – which also had an embargo to tie in with a global launch that also included the UK and US markets.
  • On the launch week – a number of titles were sent the press releases including those in the lifestyle and food/drink sectors.


  • The target set by Kingsbarns was met with a range of trade and consumer drinks writers asking for samples and to know more about the product and the company.
  • This included Whisky Magazine Fr, Le Figaro, Bar Mag,, lifestyle title Good Life and La Provence, the regional newspaper for Marseille and trade title Cavistes & Sommeliers – with coverage in some of these on the day of launch online.

  • The PR has also lead to a request from a bi-monthly drinks title to feature other Kingsbarns whisky products and interview with the distillery for a feature.
  • The influencers – with a combined following of more than 31,000, secured significant engagement with regards to comments and likes.

The PR has brought Kingsbarns – and the wider Wemyss Family Spirits business – to the attention of industry in France and journalists who cover the sector. It has created the opportunity for future collaborations with the media and influencers.

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